Posts from 2021

Reviewing 2021...

A review of 2021 from our MD Chris Jones.

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Christmas Opening Hours

Our opening hours and instructions for any temp worker payroll queries

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Christmas Temp Payroll Deadlines

Christmas Pay Deadlines & Instructions 2021 - Temps

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2 year Think-versary for Beth!

Beth Merralls reaches 2 year milsestone....

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War of the Worlds!

Our Christmas party was quite different this year!

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Kick starting your recruitment drive for 2022?

You need to be thinking about those new recruits now...

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Have we helped you find a new job?

We're looking for more great candidates...

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Why use a recruiter?

There is still a lot of debate about the value of a recruitment agency. And why would you use one, when you could just advertise the job yourself?  

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£££s for Pepper

The Pepper Foundation is our local charity partner...

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Incentive night! Escape room escapade...

Another Friday night, another quarterly incentive!

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Think welcomes new starter!

A big welcome to Izzy Lane who has started this week!

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A new role for Alex Montgomery

We are pleased to announce a new role in the business for Alex Montgomery

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Candidate supply dropping at record pace

Lots of jobs, but not enough candidates?

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The great resignation - learning to work in different ways

The UK workforce are beginning to rethink their career priorities which is apparently starting to prompt a ‘great Resignation’ in the job market.  

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Hit 'em high, low (or not at all in some cases)

Finally managed to get a team Incentive outing! What a great afternoon...

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Craig reaches 1st Think-versary!

Craig Collis reaches his 1st anniversary with Think today!

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Bobby hits 4th anniversary!

Bobby Collins hits 4 year milestone today!

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Bobby's Promotion!

Congratulations to Bobby Collins who has been promoted today!

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Managing Expectations...

How we manage customer expecations and our tips on what to expect to get the most out of your recruitment partner

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Choosing the right recruitment partner...

...and avoiding excessive fees and a mountain of irrelevant C.Vs. 

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Passing on the positive feedback...

So many relationships rely on postive feedback...

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Helena Senner - guest blogger on Mental Health in the workplace

Helena is a mental health professional who has kindly agreed to write on mental health in the workplace 

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Magnificent Seven!

Kate Miller reaches 7 year Think-versary!

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Ben hits 2 year Think-versary!

Congrats to Ben Jackson who reaches his 2 year milestone!

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Finding the best staff takes time

There is often a misconception of how much of the hiring managers time it takes.

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High five for Alex!

Alex Montgomery reaches 5 year Think-versary!

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Sophie reaches 3 year milestone

Congrats to Sophie Clarke on her 3rd Think-versary!

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Are you managing new staff remotely?

It's really important to build positive working relationships remotely.

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One year later....

A blog from our MD, Chris, marking a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic! 

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State of the Market - March 2021

An update on current market conditions from our MD, Chris Jones. 

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Zoom Interview - how to make the best virtual impression...

Take them as seriously as a face to face interview...

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Michelle hits 3rd Think-versary!

Congrats to Michelle who hits her 3rd year with Think today!

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Party like it's 2021

The birthday celebrations begin... 

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Local Charity Support

The support of local businesses is vital to our charities now...

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Clare reaches 1 year with Think!

Clare Baker has reached her 1st anniversary with Think Accountancy & Finance! 

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A Year of Think A&F

In Clare's own words, a look back at her first year.

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HR & Compliance Manager looking for next role

Immediately available for permanent, temporary or fixed term contracts. 

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Think celebrates 10th birthday!

Think Specialist Recruitment has reached our 10th birthday!

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