Posts from Local News

7 Up for Bobby!

Bobby Collins has reached his 7th Think-versary today!

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Think team Skydive!

The Think team raised over £3,000 for The Pepper Foundation!

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A decade for Kate!

Kate Miller reaches 10 years with Think Specialist Recruitment!

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6 years for Sophie!

Sophie Clarke has hit her 6th Think-versary this week!

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Is it actually worth using a recruiter?

Why are we worth our recruitment fee?

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Think becomes EOT!

Think Specialist Recruitment has become an Employee Ownership Trust!

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6 years for Michelle!

Happy Think-Versary to our Marketing guru Michelle!

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Think welcomes new starter!

A warm welcome to Ryan Coleman!

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How to get the best out of working with a recruiter

Sent us your CV? This is what goes on behind the scenes

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5 difficult interview questions for candidates

Interview questions worth preparing answers for.

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A review of Think's 2023

Chris Jones reviews Think Specialist Recruitment's 2023

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Beth reaches 4th Think-versary!

Congrats to Beth Merralls who reaches 4 years with Think!

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Beth promoted to Senior Consultant!

Congrats to Beth Merralls for exceeding her targets for promotion!

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Izzy reaches 2 years with Think!

Happy Think-versary to Izzy Lane!

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Think Welcomes New Starter....

A warm welcome to Casey Bennett who started this week!

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1 year for Sophie Ford!

Sophie Ford reaches 1st Think-versary!

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Half a dozen for Bobby!

Bobby Collins celebrates 6 years with Think!

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Think supports Esmé's game!

Our MD Chris Jones is taking part in a charity 24 hour football match!

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Kate hits 9 years with Think!

Kate Miller has reached her 9th Think-versary!

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Sophie reaches 5 years with Think!

Sophie Clarke has hit her 5th Think-versary!

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7 Up for Alex!

Congrats to Alex Montgomery who reached her 7 year Think-versary today!

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Latest Quarterly Incentive!

We enjoyed our Q1 incentive last Friday....

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Michelle hits 5 year milestone!

Michelle reaches her 5th Think-versary! 

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