Its a big day for us - since we started in 2011 we've steadily and successfully grown.
And today we've annouced our rebrand as part of our future business investment plans. Our new look is a much brighter and bolder colour palette designed to reflect the ambitious nature of the company and our target markets. We also wanted to create standout in a very busy marketplace.
The rebrand has been designed to launch at a time of significant growth for the business, where as well as investment in a bigger team we have developed a strong number of relationships with clients who continue to invest in our services with regularity.
Speaking about the rebrand, Chris Jones, our director, said: "We are operating in one the most competitive markets in the business services industry. It is important that we keep up with our candidates and clients and the investment in the update of the brand is an important part of that – like turning up to an interview with the right look!”.
So we celebrated our new launch with the Great British tradtion of tea and cake which we shared with our colleagues and supporters here at the Mayland Business Centre.
We've also launched a cheeky competition online so make sure you check out our facebook and twitter pages too!