While we are in the business of people – finding the right people for the right roles – we know very well that a strong team are the foundation of high-performing businesses. A good team ethic is pivotal to success and the smooth running of any organisation.
And ‘team building’ is on our minds with our next Quarterly Incentive coming up this week. So, while we don’t want to be preachy about it, we decided to put together a list of things we believe our team achieves – and therefore, having proved ourselves successful, we continue to grow.
1) Communicate well with each other
Communicating openly with each other, sharing their thoughts, opinions and ideas as well as taking into consideration what others have to say. Communication is essential for keeping track of progress and working together efficiently. We have lots of ways to discuss things such as weekly team meetings, morning huddles and an open desk environment – we also have a group WhatsApp which we only use for important info like when our football rivals are beating each other 😉
2) Focus on goals and results
We agree on and set team goals based on outcomes and results. A clear plan can then be set about how these objectives will be achieved, as a group, as well as each individual’s contribution. This provides clear direction and gives each team member something to aim for collectively. We’ve also set up a team scoreboard for which the task changes every month. Mostly to keep it fun and motivating – but also to keep everyone’s focus on progress.
3) Everyone contributes
Each member of the team contributes their share and fully understands what their responsibilities are, and most importantly, where they add to the running of the business. There is a sense of belonging to the team, and collective success – so we are committed and really care about the success of the company.
4) Support
Our team are always happy to assist others when they need a helping hand. Teams are often more productive when we can reach out and discuss where there is a bottleneck of tasks, a difficult hurdle in a project or trying to find another way round an issue. When this can be shared, and a resolution discussed - we always find it really works… a problem shared is a problem halved!
5) Good leadership and organisation
A strong team usually have a leader that they trust and respect. The leader essentially works as the glue holding the team together and is responsible for setting the pace, offers encouragement and motivation and keeps all members of the team updated. The management team are also responsible for being organised and keeping the business priorities in order. We’ve worked with lots of great clients who are fantastic team leaders and people really want to work for them.
6) Having fun!
It shouldn’t be all work and no play! Work life balance is a key phrase now and too much work can lead to burnout and lack of productivity, so it’s vital to inject enjoyment into working life.
Teams who work particularly well together enjoy each other’s company and get together outside of the office to socialise and have some fun! Building a positive relationship with colleagues can make for a much more relaxed environment and reduce conflict.
We are experts at this and have engaged in some fantastic team building events over the years – from go karting and cocktail making (not in the same session!) to escape rooms and The Crystal Maze. All these events bring out the personalities of the team and allow us to have fun away from our desks.
Hopefully there are some useful ideas here to take to your teams if you’re not already doing them.
We’ll update you on how our next Incentive (this Friday!) goes next week.