As we are coming up to celebrating a years’ service with Anna, we thought it would be good to do a little Q & A session on how she feels about the role now she’s no longer the new girl.
Anna came to us with lots of energy and enthusiasm for making a difference – we wanted to find out if this is still the case – or has it been different to what she had imagined.
Q. Anna, What have been your biggest challenges?
A. Probably the biggest challenge has been developing confidence in what I do, recruitment consultants have quite a bad reputation and being able to work against the stereotype has been challenging. Through having some great clients with whom I have built strong partnerships, that confidence has grown.
Q. How does working here compare to anywhere else you’ve worked i.e. culture, team ethos?
A. I really like how ethical Think is and what we stand for in the industry – honest and hardworking. We’re quite unique and really provide a quality service to our clients.
Q. What do you think makes you feel like you’re part of a successful team?
A. The positive feedback from clients, knowing we have done a good job and that they come back to us – that’s proof that they are happy with our service.
Q. What gets you up in the morning (aside from the alarm!)?
A. The chance to make a real difference in a candidates lives or a clients team. I find getting that match right really rewarding.
Q. What has been your favourite moment of your first year at Think?
A. When I got to offer one of my candidates (who was being grossly underpaid in his current role) a new position with a significant pay rise. I knew he would work hard and be incredibly loyal to my client, as well as fitting in well with the team. He told me the effect this would have on him and his family, and it was just such a amazing thing to be a part of! He is still with the client now, loving it and doing an incredible job.
Q. Do you feel rewarded for your hard work?
A. Yes, the commission structure is a generous one! We also have great team incentives and regular social occasions so it’s a fab place to work.
We are currently looking for new consultants to join our fantastic team. Find out more here