We've come across a whole variety of reasons businesses don't seek out recruitment specialists to help them, often because they assume the cost would outweigh the benefits.
In our experience, the businesses that spend the time trying to recruit themselves, not getting what they want due to the time it takes to attract, interview and manage the onboarding process, are the ones who wish they hadn't wasted their own resource time and money before they came to us.
Myth 1: It's expensive to use an agency.
Not if you spent the time adding up the man hours it takes to recruit in your working time. Including sifting through a large number of CVs (sometimes with a big percentage of irrelevant ones) shortlisting, contacting candidates, scheduling interviews, reviewing and scheduling further interviews. It’ll be much more of your time than you think!
Myth 2: I will be sent hundreds of irrelevant CVs
We don’t just flick a switch and send a pile of CVs to your inbox. Our processes mean we have a substantial number of already vetted candidates on our books. We take time to consider the candidates who would have a fitting personality, values, interests as well as relevant work experience for your business. If we haven't got a perfect match, we use our connecting to call round or advertise to seek out candidates we think might be interested from past experiences. This all takes time, but ensures you are sent the best matches for your role.
Myth 3: What if the candidate doesn't work out.
So, you thought we might walk away, patting our pocket full of fees? Definitely not. We have a number of solutions for this scenario and while is doesn't happen very often because our process to find the right person is very thorough, we know people can change their minds - on both sides. We have an excellent aftercare programme, checking in with both clients and candidates for months after the role is started, and we also have lots of options to resolve any issues, including in the final case, finding a replacement free of charge. Even the best laid plans can sometimes go wrong.
Myth 4: It’s easier for me to do it
It might be easier for you to write the job description (as you know what you want) but we can even help with this as we know what the current marketplace is like and what pay, and benefits are currently attracting the good candidates. We also know that writing the job advert, then putting it out there will always return masses of non-relevant applicants which need to be sorted through to find the more relevant ones. You might need to do that more than once to get to a shortlist to work through. So, in our experience, we don’t believe it’s easier and it's definitely not quicker.
Let’s be honest – every industry has its bad apples, and recruiting is no different. Most recruiters are ethical and hard-working, but the stories of those who aren’t, tend to dominate people’s impressions.
When you work with a recruiter, you’re trusting them with finding great people who want to work for your business. If someone falls short of your expectations, that is going to stay with you. And if the process is not made easier for you – then that’s also going to make you feel like there is no point in using a recruiter.
Job seekers don’t want to work with someone who only cares about lining their own pockets. They want someone who will support them through the process, treat them as an individual instead of a number, and who genuinely cares about their long-term career development. You only have to read our google reviews to know we take this very seriously. This means that recruiters need to be honest, ethical and have a genuine interest in their candidates. As this in turn, allows them to have candidates on their books who they can easily match to the right roles – because they have spent time getting to know them.
Great careers are built on relationships. We make sure we learn our clients’ and candidates’ ambitions and motivations and then tailor the search accordingly. That’s how we win long-term business, because the people you work with today will return to you time and again as their needs evolve. And you have built that trust.
If you’d like to give our highly rated, honest and professional recruitment service a go, we’d be delighted to help. And if you have had a bad experience with a recruiter in the past, we'd love to help change that.
Call 01442 600 100 to find out more.