Looking for a new job in St Albans?
St Albans is a busy market town where office space and new businesses have developed considerably over the last 15 years.
The recruitment needs for the area is something our consultants have been involved in for the past 10 years as we have built excellent local knowledge not just by working in the locality but some of us live there too.
We have a high number of clients in the area for both permanent and temporary roles and work hard to retain strong relationships, have regular face to face meetings and keep update to date with what’s going on in St Albans.
We also have a great selection of experienced and talented candidates registered with us based in St Albans and surrounding areas, which makes life much easier for those businesses searching for candidates with a short commute.
We have a specific team dedicated to looking after the area. Please find their profiles below. If you have any recruitment opportunities that you need help with or for an informal chat about how we can help, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.
Meet your recruitment team for jobs in St Albans
Amy Whittingham
Recruitment Consultant
Amy is a real people person and is busy supporting a strong list of local clients and candidates looking for recruitment. St Albans is a busy town and the permanent opportunities require dedicated knowledge and consistently high standards of candidates. Please give her a call to resolve any recruitment needs in and around St Albans.